mardi 30 juillet 2013

Russian cigarettes

They will be well off my feet, these Russian cigarettes. And fingers. However, the recipe itself is a cinch. But when we get to finishing, making is insured when, like me, you have two left hands. But because I have battled severe to achieve (twice, even just to take photos because the first time, they left too soon ...), I think the recipe was quite out of place here. And despite the maximum bother, it's really not bad, far from it! To be honest, they do not even have anything to envy to those of trade, provided they are successful (and I still, it is not won on the first try!). Do you dare to challenge?


- 100g butter, softened
- 100g sifted icing sugar
- 2 eggs
- 80g flour


- Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
- Whisk, beat the butter and sugar.
- Add the eggs 1-1.
- Add the flour and beat until batter is smooth.
- On a baking sheet lined with baking paper, make small thin round * (3-4 max).
- The bake for 4 minutes supervisor.
- Upon exiting the oven, roll immediately on cigarettes and cool / harden on a grid.


- * Arm yourself with patience, it will take a few tries to find the right thickness of dough to put on the plate. Too late, it cooked too fast and it breaks when shaping. Too thick, it rolls well but do not harden not so crispy!

- I suggest you start with 3 rounds per batch, no more, because when it's done, it hardens very quickly and it does not roll more correctly ...

- The perfect cooking: just browned on the edges. Plus, it's pretty damn ... No, it's not good either ...

- Good luck!

- The recipe comes from the book Cookies and cupcakes, published by Hachette.

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